Some limitations there, such as no bridged network, but I can live with that. Maybe I whine too much, before even becoming a customer, but I am hesitant to invest on a product (and all the time to set up multiple VM's) when I see this VRAM issue going back many years in forums, even in here. I would like to know if this is under their radar - or is it just me who is too demanding? Should I use another product in VMWare's lineup? It's 2017 already, and VMWare got a very fresh version of their product - which does not even address that issue.

Reviving an old thread, I know, but something that appears to be still an issue. Multiple VMs, both Mac and windows guest OS's. No way that I can find to increase the Graphics RAM of any VMWare guest beyond 128MB. Make vmware use graphics card for mac trial#.Make vmware use graphics card for mac software#.Make vmware use graphics card for mac how to#.